Sunday, May 3, 2009


The topic of space has been on my mind a lot recently.
With the United States scheduled to go back to the moon in 2020, its only a matter of time before we are colonizing Mars.

His Champion Nation, I would like to pose a question to you:

If you could go on an epic space exploration mission to Mars or another, more distant destination, but you knew that you would never come back to earth and would die in space, would you do it?

Talk amongst yourselves.


  1. I would most definitely do it, but only if I were participating in the Inter-Galactic Rhyme Federation Championships.

    "It's one of those things where
    Machine versus man
    Man versus woman
    Woman versus you mother
    Be there Intergalactic rap battle
    It's (wikkawikkawikkaaaaa...)


  2. No way! My newfound love for America trumps all, even space travel.
