Friday, October 2, 2009

Its been a while

I know it has been a while since my last post. Sam, well, he's around somewhere. If he wants back in, he knows where to come.

Anyway, I am going to try and get back into this. It was good for a while but its easy to fall off. I will say this: if you send me links, articles, etc. I will review and post them here, and always give props to my sources.

In other news, I have begun a new internet endeavour this summer. I took up the ukulele and have posted some videos of my playing. Here is my latest one, "Sloop John B" by The Beach Boys

It has been a fun project so far, and I hope to continue this as well. I'll start posting my other videos here too for the enjoyment of THE NATION OF CHAMPIONS.

My youtube channel is

Hasta kid-uego for now. Let it be known that His Champion is BACK!

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