Tuesday, February 24, 2009

The Barack the Mic Tour Continues

I don't even listen to the words coming out of Barack's mouth anymore. I just watch for that swagger. In the words of Weezy F. Baby, "What's G?"

Barack Obama.

President Barack Obama address before Joint Session of Congress February 24, 2009
Even in the face of a mountainous deficit, global recession, and a generally bleak outlook for things across the board, Barack, Joey Biden, Pelosi, Hil, J. Kerry, Dodd, and all the other old-ass politicians were all cheesing mad hard. Even the turncoat Lieberman was ready to give the White Sox fan-in-chief some dap. I know you're playing nice now Joe, but don't think I've forgotten your poor play in 2000 and 2008. N00b. I'm watching your shifty ass.

Barack even gave a shout out to T.R. while talking about healthcare. Yet another reason to get my tattoo.

You know what: I refuse to talk about any specific issues raised by the president. All I want to do is bask in his glow. I don't want to let him down.

"I am not a quitter, Mr. President"

OK, so...now what do we do?http://www.the3xgp.com/myspace/Young_Jeezy_01.jpg

put on for our cities.

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