Monday, January 19, 2009

Steelers, Cardinals, Advertisements

So sports fans, your Super Bowl matchup is now set. In two weeks, the Pittsburgh Steelers will face the Arizona Cardinals in what is sure to be a much worse game than last year (GMENNNNNN!!).

First off, I have to say that I am disappointed that Ray Rice, the pride of New Rochelle and Running Back for the Baltimore Ravens, lost today and will not be going to the Super Bowl as a rookie. Its ok though, because I still guarantee his future beast status in the National Football League.

Onto the actual game. The Steelers are going to win. This is not about what I want, because I would love nothing more than to see Larry Fitzgerald win a ring. The fact is that the Steelers have an insane defense and a quarterback who makes just enough plays every week to grind out a win for his post-industrial city still struggling to redefine itself after the companies that created it left to follow cheap labor to the Developing World.

So except for the real, hardcore football fans who have watched the entire season, feel the emotion of the teams that have been through hell together, and understand the subtleties of the game we call football (but should really call something else- seriously. Football was already taken), most people just watch the Super Bowl for the ads. This year, I hope they are still good in spite of the economy. I mean, seriously. This is America- we are not going to let some Depression ruin the fucking Super Bowl are we? Remember when this ad was the hottness?

Yea. A true classic. I learned how to burp that back in the day.

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