Sunday, January 11, 2009

Step Up

I'm feeling the pressure. I can't sleep. I can't eat. It consumes all of my thoughts. The Kid simply out-posts me. It's not just quantity (in which he also excels), it's quality.

To understand his talent for blogging, you first have to understand The Kid. His mind races. At any given moment when most of us are walking through life with blank slates or thinking of sex, The Kid's mind is usually being blown by at least four different ideas rolling around in his melon. Even in the picture above, you can tell that finishing those 40s is probably only one of about three different ideas that The Kid is trying to organize. He needs to get that out. He'll happily let you know absolutely everything that's going through his head at any time, but now he's found another outlet: the blog. Considering this, his flow of posts can actually be considered moderate compared to his true potential.

Time to insert a random funny and/or rap related picture to fill up space:

Basically I need to step it up. Despite an overwhelming amount of hate, I will continue writing my crime/erotic novel. I will rely less on gimmicks in my posts. But I refuse to stop putting up pictures of Lil Jon.


  1. Sam, embrace the fact that youre not AK, and that our world could only handle one.

    Love you both. Sexually.
