Thursday, March 26, 2009

10 things I am thinking a lot about these days

  1. If I could be on the first ship to colonize Mars, but I would have to live the balance of my life on the Red Planet, I would. No questions asked.
  2. I have not heard anyone call pancakes "flapjacks" in a long time. Too long.
  3. Stephen Colbert won a contest to name a new portion of the International Space Station. Ballin.
  4. Why continue this charade? Everyone knows we'll be cyborgs in 50 years, so why not start making our voices sound like robots?
  5. I like to have a plant around, because when its late I take comfort knowing that something else is alive in my room.
  6. Is there anything better than discovering historic architecture and/or sites in New York? Probably, but its still really good.
  7. Jay Cutler is a bitch.
  8. I do not envision a time in my life in which I will not listen to rap.
  9. There is nothing you could do to convince me to buy a new American-made car. Sorry, I just keep it real.
  10. Finally, this video still gets me every time.
Love to all my peoples.

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