Thursday, March 26, 2009

10 things I am thinking a lot about these days

  1. If I could be on the first ship to colonize Mars, but I would have to live the balance of my life on the Red Planet, I would. No questions asked.
  2. I have not heard anyone call pancakes "flapjacks" in a long time. Too long.
  3. Stephen Colbert won a contest to name a new portion of the International Space Station. Ballin.
  4. Why continue this charade? Everyone knows we'll be cyborgs in 50 years, so why not start making our voices sound like robots?
  5. I like to have a plant around, because when its late I take comfort knowing that something else is alive in my room.
  6. Is there anything better than discovering historic architecture and/or sites in New York? Probably, but its still really good.
  7. Jay Cutler is a bitch.
  8. I do not envision a time in my life in which I will not listen to rap.
  9. There is nothing you could do to convince me to buy a new American-made car. Sorry, I just keep it real.
  10. Finally, this video still gets me every time.
Love to all my peoples.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Bracketology: Obligatory Tournament Post

So I know that this is not a "sports blog," but I watch enough ESPN to make Stuart Scott envious so I am going to break down some of the more intriguing games and story lines of this year's NCAA Men's Basketball Championship Tournament.

I am calling Western Kentucky over Illinois for your classic 12-5 upset. Go Hilltoppers! Other low seeds to look out for are Siena (reppin the MAAC), Maryland, and Boston College.

In terms of the big boys, I think that 3 Big East teams as Number 1 seeds is totally ridiculous. Only one of those teams was even in the Big East Tournament Final: Louisville. I have them in the Final Four even though I am hesitant to rule out Tom Izzo and Sparty. Drew Neitzel may be gone, but his memory lives on forever in Flint.

My Final Four is: Louisville, Memphis, UNC and Duke. Yes, thats right, Duke. This is not the soft ass Greg Paulus Duke of two years ago. This team is going to ride Gerald Henderson just like a Chevy Lumina, all the way back to Detroit. One final word. If this mand wins a National Championship I will strangle an entire litter of kittens.
Tyler, you better HOPE you don't meet the back side of Gerald Henderson's elbow this time. Your ass is ours, you baby blue wearing, undersized white big man with no future in the NBA.

I leave you with some vintage Dicky V, because he can't call the real tournament on CBS. ITS A CRIME BABY!

Monday, March 9, 2009


AK, is runnin this blog shit.

S.A.M., get gunned up and clapped quick.

It was never the quality of Sam's posts that was lacking, but the kid has fallen off as of late. He hasn't posted since he told the world his MSPaint art was more John Blaze than Jackson Pollock. A bold claim, but somehow he pulled it off.

Sam, I love you, but you gotta show some love to the internets. If we don't get discovered soon then we'll miss our chance to take the world by storm as and up-and-coming young cynical overeducated Web 2.0 comic duo!

In other news, Phish is back together, and T.O. is going to the Buffalo Bills. We are truly living in historic times.

I never dreamed of living this long.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Let me get one minute of your time

What would AIG's $62 billion loss buy?

AIG lost $62 billion this past quarter: thats about $460,000.00 per minute. What could you buy with that money?

All I want is one minute of those losses, and I'd be set for the next couple of years.

Exhibit A is displayed below.

Note the AIG sign in the outfield of Yankee Stadium, but also the fact that thet Yankees are losing to the White Sox. Yet another reason Barack is right. Ozzie's got his boys ready to go!